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Are you ready to lose weight for good, feel confident and eat all of your favourite foods?

Have you ever thought: "But I'm a busy mom. I don't have time to lose weight. I'm always last on my to-do list."

First of all, you are arguably the most important member of your family.


Becoming the best, most confident and healthiest version of yourself benefits all of those around you!


You can lose weightBut you need support to do it. And in order to get support, you need to essentially ask for help...and there's nothing wrong with that! We need to figure out what works for you, so you can confidently lose the weight for good. 


I am ready to help. I've got a simple framework customisable to you. 


"I'm a registered dietitian, I'm the expert. I have 6+ years helping clients successfully lose weight."

Feel like there is always some new diet that's supposed to help you shed those pounds? Ready to do it YOUR way instead?

You're not alone -- the diet industry is noisy. And they love to target moms. As a dietitian and mom myself, it's my passion to become a louder voice amongst "the diets". Showing you there IS a more simple way. 

[I have created a simple framework for you to follow and make your own! That's what this program + group support will do.]


You've done diets before, even seen the scale drop, but you've never been able to maintain that loss. Super frustrating! Want to lose weight permanently? Whatever you do to lose the weight, is also what you will have to do to keep the weight off.


You need to focus on what you can manage, instead of what you think you need to do


You can do it. 


I'm ready to show you how in my simple, manageable, best dietitian-mom-friend way ;) 


You, me and the others who start along with you. No more trying to do it alone; isn't it so much better to do something hard with others who get it? Who will relate to your struggles and cheer you along as you go?


Let's do it together! Are you in?



A simple framework to follow so you can lose weight and keep it off.

Starts October 3rd

8 weeks


1:1 private coaching sessions ​


Live Coaching and Live Q and A​


Weekly accountability check-ins


Simple, easy goals


Group support and community


Tons of resources

Let me show you how you can be the best version of you there is.


Join now and you get all of this:

  • Personalized coaching sessions

  • Weekly coaching and Q and A

  • Simple framework so you can achieve your goals

  • Support and accountability


What current members are saying:
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This program offers a simple framework for a busy mom like you, so you can actually get this done.

Join a community of support, motivation and connection.

Hey I'm Laura!


I'm a registered dietitian and I've been helping clients permanently lose weight for over 6 years now. I'm also a mom of two littles (and two fur babies). 


I'm totally honest about the work it takes to lose weight and I'm also passionate about showing moms how they can do it. Showing you how you can create the best and most confident version of yourself with simple habits is what I absolutely love to do. 


I hate meal prepping, love a glass of wine, am addicted to reality tv and am an introverted-extrovert! 


If now isn't the right time for you to join me, I hope that you can see that losing weight for good is possible for you. And I hope that you take away at least one helpful thing from my free mini series (go back and watch it in my Facebook group if you haven't!)


I'm here to support you. 


  • What is the benefit of the group program versus your 1:1 coaching program?
    People who work towards a common goal in a group and are motivated together, are more successful. Having the community of other moms just like you means you can connect with people who get it. It also provides you with a solid support system, accountability and extra connection.
  • Is this program covered by insurance?
    Yes! If you live in Ontario and have private health insurance you will be provided with invoices to submit to your provider. Please check with your individual provider if you reside outside of Ontario.
  • Will I for sure lose weight on this program?
    There is no amount lost guarantee with the Simple Nutrition for Moms program. Everyone's individual goals are different. Laura has successfully helped dozens of clients lose weight; however, it is up to you to do the work.
  • Do I have to pay for the program in full or is there an option of instalments?
    Currently there is only one payment option. If this is prohibitive to you joining the program; please reach out directly to Laura and you can discuss a payment option that might work better for you.
  • Will you give me a meal plan to follow?
    You will be provided with many resources for recipes, snacks and meal plan examples. Laura does not provide individualised meal plans.

Join now and you get all of this

  • Personalized coaching sessions

  • Weekly coaching and Q and A

  • Simple framework so you can achieve your goals

  • Support and accountability


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